List of available scrapers
Name Get release info Searchable Notes
AllMusic Yes Yes
Bandcamp Yes No

YADG cannot search for releases on Bandcamp, you will always need to enter the exact link. Additionally, links to Bandcamp artists or albums are only picked up automatically if the URL contains the string /album/ or In all other cases you need to force the use of the Bandcamp scraper by choosing it from the drop down menu (this will result in the input being interpreted as a Bandcamp URL).

Beatport Yes Yes
Deezer Yes Yes

Featured and Remix artists are not supported.

Discogs Yes Yes
iTunes Store Yes Yes

Multiple track artists or release artists are not split correctly.

Junodownload Yes Yes

Multiple track artists are not split correctly.

Metal-Archives Yes Yes

Search terms are only matched against album titles. It is not possible to search for artists through YADG.

MusicBrainz Yes Yes

For searches through YADG the advanced query syntax is used.